

8 Days Tour

International Tours

We take you to different countries, experience new culture, get exposure and new opportunities

culture & tourism

1-5 Days Tour

Cultural and Local Tourism

We get you experience different Tanzania culture and ethnicities such as food, dance, clothing, some cultural economic activities and ancient technologies existing in different parts of Tanzania


Wildlife & Safaris

We get you to see Landscape and Wildlife in different sceneries of Tanzania Parks, Lakes, Forests and more


Events & Travel Shows

We arrange Touristic events and shows for you which will awake vibrance and new energy and exposure to give you a refresh.



We plan and offer retreat for different different groups and individuals, family retreats corporate , student retreat, ladies or men retreats and various group retreats.


7 Days Tour

Backyard Weddings

We plan and manage the successfully backyard wedding so that to be creative and to make the most of the space we have for you.

We Are Lokovore Tanzania Safaris & Agrotourism

We can manage your dream building by planning your tours

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